Using Personal Branding to strengthen your CV


Job hunting in the UK, and major cities such as Birmingham can be difficult. With hundreds of job applicants contesting for the same position, your CV alone might not be enough to catch the employer’s attention. Using Personal Branding to strengthen your CV can help you to transform your job application from a mere CV to a powerful personal brand that gets noticed by recruiters, employers, and professionals.

So, Forget DRY Resume and make it appealing!


Why Brand Yourself in the UK? 


Stand Out in the Crowd:

The UK graduate landscape is booming. A distinct personal brand differentiates you from others. It highlights your strengths, your expertise that is unique and should be known to others. Without personal branding your talent, skills and expertise remain hidden and employers fail to notice you.


Get noticed to recruiters/employers:

Personal branding will help you to present yourself on professional sites such as LinkedIn in a formal, and disciplined way. A well designed, attractive CV supported by a solid portfolio, rich content, and your personal blog will be more appealing. It will reflect your real identity and will feel proud about it.


Be visible online:

Nowadays hiring is mostly online as employers want to save cost, time, and efforts. Yet in the online space there are hundreds and thousands of candidates/job applicants.  Most applicants simply upload their CV on job sites such as, etc. and wait to get an interview call. But SMART candidates like you will be seen by recruiters easily as you have created your BRAND online.


What else you can do?

Through personal branding you can research about specific companies where you would like to work, for example in Birmingham. You may customise your branding according to the values, culture, mission and vision of those companies and make yourself more noticeable.

Remember, personal branding is a journey, not a destination. Be authentic, consistent, and continuously improve your story. In the UK’s competitive landscape, your brand is your superpower – own it, and unlock your career potential!


Increase your knowledge about Personal Branding and how it will help you. Connect with us to clarify any doubts.

Sign up for Personal branding now.

Using Personal Branding to strengthen your CV





 Phone: 01604 328800

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