Notification Help

Email Notification

Why am I receiving email notifications from

We send email notifications from If you receive a Stunited email notification from another email address, do not open that email or click on any link in it.

If you want to change your email notification settings, learn how to choose what you want to know about.

Notification Page note 1

Scammers sometimes create fake emails that look like they’re from Stunited. These emails often look like:

  • Notifications about friend requests, messages, events, photos and videos.
  • False claims that you went against our Community Standards.
  • Warnings that something will happen to your account if you don’t update it or take a certain action.
  • Claims or offers that sound too good to be true (such as winning a Stunited Cashback.)

Note: If an email or Stunited message looks strange, don’t open it or any attachments. Instead, report it to

Choose What You Are Notified About

Choose What You Are Notified About –

To change your notification settings for your profile:

  1. From your Profile, click Accounts in the left menu.
  2. Click Notification Settings of the left column.
  3. Edit your notification settings.

You can also see all notifications by clicking below from here.